Mixture of 1-Butanol + 2,3-Butanediol + Water



InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
Cheméo is a service of Céondo GmbH, since 2007, we provide simulation, modelling and software development services for the industry. Do not hesitate to contact us for your projects.


  1. Mass fraction (4)

Mass fraction of 2,3-Butanediol (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid mixture 1)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of 2,3-Butanediol (2) - Liquid mixture 1
298.15 0.2030 0.0000
298.15 0.2218 0.0297
298.15 0.2388 0.0460
298.15 0.2562 0.0624
298.15 0.2704 0.0766
298.15 0.2853 0.0841
298.15 0.3032 0.0947
298.15 0.3240 0.1066
298.15 0.3397 0.1144
298.15 0.3591 0.1203
298.15 0.3711 0.1245
298.15 0.3744 0.1278
298.15 0.4017 0.1337
298.15 0.4085 0.1335
298.15 0.4236 0.1376
298.15 0.4305 0.1380
298.15 0.4399 0.1396
298.15 0.4531 0.1414
298.15 0.4595 0.1423
298.15 0.4694 0.1427
298.15 0.4815 0.1444
298.15 0.5159 0.1460
298.15 0.5355 0.1466
298.15 0.5614 0.1483
298.15 0.5833 0.1471
298.15 0.6045 0.1471
298.15 0.6272 0.1465
298.15 0.6566 0.1453
298.15 0.6877 0.1439
298.15 0.7189 0.1398
298.15 0.7547 0.1309
298.15 0.7901 0.1156
298.15 0.9200 0.0000
308.15 0.2110 0.0000
308.15 0.2215 0.0200
308.15 0.2535 0.0521
308.15 0.2876 0.0664
308.15 0.3057 0.0893
308.15 0.3348 0.1058
308.15 0.3888 0.1254
308.15 0.4377 0.1321
308.15 0.4646 0.1346
308.15 0.4918 0.1360
308.15 0.4975 0.1354
308.15 0.5211 0.1368
308.15 0.5494 0.1376
308.15 0.5789 0.1370
308.15 0.6343 0.1357
308.15 0.6647 0.1345
308.15 0.7032 0.1310
308.15 0.7376 0.1257
308.15 0.7688 0.1175
308.15 0.8432 0.0788
308.15 0.9305 0.0000
318.15 0.2242 0.0000
318.15 0.2338 0.0227
318.15 0.2601 0.0475
318.15 0.2905 0.0729
318.15 0.3123 0.0844
318.15 0.3418 0.0978
318.15 0.3692 0.1087
318.15 0.3932 0.1140
318.15 0.4164 0.1194
318.15 0.4181 0.1219
318.15 0.4379 0.1219
318.15 0.4544 0.1249
318.15 0.4580 0.1246
318.15 0.4711 0.1253
318.15 0.4751 0.1263
318.15 0.4909 0.1268
318.15 0.4954 0.1268
318.15 0.5092 0.1272
318.15 0.5228 0.1278
318.15 0.5504 0.1286
318.15 0.5789 0.1282
318.15 0.6165 0.1268
318.15 0.6593 0.1246
318.15 0.6890 0.1219
318.15 0.7216 0.1183
318.15 0.7453 0.1144
318.15 0.7708 0.1082
318.15 0.7906 0.1019
318.15 0.8377 0.0789
318.15 0.9320 0.0000

Temperature, K x Mass fraction [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid mixture 1)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of 2,3-Butanediol (2) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of 2,3-Butanediol (2) - Liquid mixture 2 Mass fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 2
298.15 0.2521 0.0489 0.0683 0.8380
298.15 0.2173 0.0210 0.0289 0.8813
298.15 0.3418 0.1070 0.1284 0.7450
298.15 0.3957 0.1196 0.1353 0.6766
298.15 0.2697 0.0658 0.0877 0.8212
298.15 0.2324 0.0349 0.0467 0.8573
308.15 0.3288 0.0859 0.0940 0.8100
308.15 0.2591 0.0518 0.0593 0.8587
308.15 0.2888 0.0688 0.0760 0.8392
308.15 0.2234 0.0221 0.0279 0.8970
308.15 0.3651 0.1112 0.1170 0.7488
308.15 0.4318 0.1244 0.1321 0.6901
318.15 0.3317 0.0907 0.0912 0.7990
318.15 0.2536 0.0390 0.0426 0.8751
318.15 0.2725 0.0533 0.0543 0.8596
318.15 0.3103 0.0724 0.0747 0.8347
318.15 0.2357 0.0239 0.0254 0.8979
318.15 0.3964 0.1117 0.1162 0.7022
318.15 0.4740 0.1241 0.1309 0.6137

Mass fraction of 2,3-Butanediol (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid mixture 1)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of 2,3-Butanediol (2) - Liquid mixture 1
298.15 0.2030 0.0000
298.15 0.2218 0.0297
298.15 0.2388 0.0460
298.15 0.2562 0.0624
298.15 0.2704 0.0766
298.15 0.2853 0.0841
298.15 0.3032 0.0947
298.15 0.3240 0.1066
298.15 0.3397 0.1144
298.15 0.3591 0.1203
298.15 0.3711 0.1245
298.15 0.3744 0.1278
298.15 0.4017 0.1337
298.15 0.4085 0.1335
298.15 0.4236 0.1376
298.15 0.4305 0.1380
298.15 0.4399 0.1396
298.15 0.4531 0.1414
298.15 0.4595 0.1423
298.15 0.4694 0.1427
298.15 0.4815 0.1444
298.15 0.5159 0.1460
298.15 0.5355 0.1466
298.15 0.5614 0.1483
298.15 0.5833 0.1471
298.15 0.6045 0.1471
298.15 0.6272 0.1465
298.15 0.6566 0.1453
298.15 0.6877 0.1439
298.15 0.7189 0.1398
298.15 0.7547 0.1309
298.15 0.7901 0.1156
298.15 0.9200 0.0000
308.15 0.2110 0.0000
308.15 0.2215 0.0200
308.15 0.2535 0.0521
308.15 0.2876 0.0664
308.15 0.3057 0.0893
308.15 0.3348 0.1058
308.15 0.3888 0.1254
308.15 0.4377 0.1321
308.15 0.4646 0.1346
308.15 0.4918 0.1360
308.15 0.4975 0.1354
308.15 0.5211 0.1368
308.15 0.5494 0.1376
308.15 0.5789 0.1370
308.15 0.6343 0.1357
308.15 0.6647 0.1345
308.15 0.7032 0.1310
308.15 0.7376 0.1257
308.15 0.7688 0.1175
308.15 0.8432 0.0788
308.15 0.9305 0.0000
318.15 0.2242 0.0000
318.15 0.2338 0.0227
318.15 0.2601 0.0475
318.15 0.2905 0.0729
318.15 0.3123 0.0844
318.15 0.3418 0.0978
318.15 0.3692 0.1087
318.15 0.3932 0.1140
318.15 0.4164 0.1194
318.15 0.4181 0.1219
318.15 0.4379 0.1219
318.15 0.4544 0.1249
318.15 0.4580 0.1246
318.15 0.4711 0.1253
318.15 0.4751 0.1263
318.15 0.4909 0.1268
318.15 0.4954 0.1268
318.15 0.5092 0.1272
318.15 0.5228 0.1278
318.15 0.5504 0.1286
318.15 0.5789 0.1282
318.15 0.6165 0.1268
318.15 0.6593 0.1246
318.15 0.6890 0.1219
318.15 0.7216 0.1183
318.15 0.7453 0.1144
318.15 0.7708 0.1082
318.15 0.7906 0.1019
318.15 0.8377 0.0789
318.15 0.9320 0.0000

Temperature, K x Mass fraction [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid mixture 1)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of 2,3-Butanediol (2) - Liquid mixture 1 Mass fraction of 2,3-Butanediol (2) - Liquid mixture 2 Mass fraction of Water (3) - Liquid mixture 2
298.15 0.2521 0.0489 0.0683 0.8380
298.15 0.2173 0.0210 0.0289 0.8813
298.15 0.3418 0.1070 0.1284 0.7450
298.15 0.3957 0.1196 0.1353 0.6766
298.15 0.2697 0.0658 0.0877 0.8212
298.15 0.2324 0.0349 0.0467 0.8573
308.15 0.3288 0.0859 0.0940 0.8100
308.15 0.2591 0.0518 0.0593 0.8587
308.15 0.2888 0.0688 0.0760 0.8392
308.15 0.2234 0.0221 0.0279 0.8970
308.15 0.3651 0.1112 0.1170 0.7488
308.15 0.4318 0.1244 0.1321 0.6901
318.15 0.3317 0.0907 0.0912 0.7990
318.15 0.2536 0.0390 0.0426 0.8751
318.15 0.2725 0.0533 0.0543 0.8596
318.15 0.3103 0.0724 0.0747 0.8347
318.15 0.2357 0.0239 0.0254 0.8979
318.15 0.3964 0.1117 0.1162 0.7022
318.15 0.4740 0.1241 0.1309 0.6137
