Mixture of Carbon dioxide + Potassium carbonate + Water


Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)

Potassium carbonate

Potassium carbonate
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
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  1. Mass ratio of solute to solvent (4)
  2. Pvap - Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa (2)

Mass ratio of solute to solvent of Carbon dioxide (1) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Solvent: Mass fraction of Potassium carbonate (2) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Mass ratio of solute to solvent of Carbon dioxide (1) - Liquid
0.1500 303.20 0.0413
0.1500 313.20 0.0403
0.1500 323.20 0.0389
0.2001 303.20 0.0529
0.2001 313.20 0.0517
0.2001 323.20 0.0509
0.2500 303.20 0.0655
0.2500 313.20 0.0646
0.2500 323.20 0.0631

Mole fraction of Carbon dioxide (1) [ref]

Operational condition: Solvent: Mass fraction = 0.3 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Pressure, kPa of Carbon dioxide (1) - Gas Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Carbon dioxide (1) - Liquid
0.40 373.20 0.0767
0.90 373.20 0.1305
1.60 393.20 0.0683
4.60 373.20 0.2071
6.10 393.20 0.1672
8.00 373.20 0.2590
15.00 393.20 0.2321
25.90 373.20 0.3265
31.80 393.20 0.2939
49.40 373.20 0.3707
51.30 393.20 0.3353
94.40 393.20 0.3809
117.60 373.20 0.4213
149.00 393.20 0.4102
224.30 373.20 0.4504
248.00 393.20 0.4372
432.60 393.20 0.4607
480.40 373.20 0.4758
860.90 393.20 0.4830
970.10 373.20 0.4947
1268.10 393.20 0.4935
1465.40 373.20 0.5063

Mass ratio of solute to solvent of Carbon dioxide (1) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Solvent: Mass fraction of Potassium carbonate (2) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Mass ratio of solute to solvent of Carbon dioxide (1) - Liquid
0.1500 303.20 0.0413
0.1500 313.20 0.0403
0.1500 323.20 0.0389
0.2001 303.20 0.0529
0.2001 313.20 0.0517
0.2001 323.20 0.0509
0.2500 303.20 0.0655
0.2500 313.20 0.0646
0.2500 323.20 0.0631

Mole fraction of Carbon dioxide (1) [ref]

Operational condition: Solvent: Mass fraction = 0.3 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Pressure, kPa of Carbon dioxide (1) - Gas Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Carbon dioxide (1) - Liquid
0.40 373.20 0.0767
0.90 373.20 0.1305
1.60 393.20 0.0683
4.60 373.20 0.2071
6.10 393.20 0.1672
8.00 373.20 0.2590
15.00 393.20 0.2321
25.90 373.20 0.3265
31.80 393.20 0.2939
49.40 373.20 0.3707
51.30 393.20 0.3353
94.40 393.20 0.3809
117.60 373.20 0.4213
149.00 393.20 0.4102
224.30 373.20 0.4504
248.00 393.20 0.4372
432.60 393.20 0.4607
480.40 373.20 0.4758
860.90 393.20 0.4830
970.10 373.20 0.4947
1268.10 393.20 0.4935
1465.40 373.20 0.5063

Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa [ref]

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Molality, mol/kg of Potassium carbonate (2) - Liquid Molality, mol/kg of Carbon dioxide (1) - Liquid Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa - Liquid
313.20 0.4272 0.4992 429.90
313.20 0.4272 0.6894 1450.00
313.20 0.4272 0.8272 2224.00
313.20 0.4272 0.9993 3373.00
313.20 0.4272 1.2549 5362.00
313.20 0.4272 1.534 8980.00
313.25 0.4272 0.6252 1029.00
313.75 1.7125 1.7371 329.00
313.75 1.7125 2.0071 2043.00
313.75 1.7125 2.5123 7700.00
313.85 1.7125 1.9861 1914.00
313.85 1.7125 2.1441 3330.00
313.90 1.7125 2.3362 5484.00
353.00 1.7125 1.8276 1667.00
353.00 1.7125 2.1549 6672.00
353.05 1.7125 1.7233 768.30
353.05 1.7125 1.8391 1831.00
353.05 1.7125 1.908 2564.00
353.05 1.7125 2.024 4642.00
353.10 0.4292 0.4637 490.00
353.10 0.4292 0.5233 914.10
353.10 0.4292 0.6471 2227.00
353.10 0.4292 0.8926 4936.00
353.10 0.4292 0.9073 5091.00
353.10 0.4292 1.0394 7091.00
353.10 0.4292 1.1086 8193.00
354.15 0.4292 0.6472 2256.00
393.00 1.7125 1.1683 267.20
393.00 1.7125 1.9024 4174.00
393.00 1.7125 2.0205 6376.00
393.05 1.7125 1.5977 685.40
393.05 1.7125 1.7148 1463.00
393.05 1.7125 1.7174 1317.00
393.15 0.4272 0.3650 270.20
393.15 0.4272 0.7316 4258.00
393.20 0.4272 0.4304 489.80
393.20 0.4272 0.4714 870.00
393.20 0.4272 0.5016 1272.00
393.20 0.4272 0.6076 2622.00
393.20 0.4272 0.7795 4941.00
393.20 0.4272 1.0437 9237.00

Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa [ref]

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Molality, mol/kg of Potassium carbonate (2) - Liquid Molality, mol/kg of Carbon dioxide (1) - Liquid Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa - Liquid
313.20 0.4272 0.4992 429.90
313.20 0.4272 0.6894 1450.00
313.20 0.4272 0.8272 2224.00
313.20 0.4272 0.9993 3373.00
313.20 0.4272 1.2549 5362.00
313.20 0.4272 1.534 8980.00
313.25 0.4272 0.6252 1029.00
313.75 1.7125 1.7371 329.00
313.75 1.7125 2.0071 2043.00
313.75 1.7125 2.5123 7700.00
313.85 1.7125 1.9861 1914.00
313.85 1.7125 2.1441 3330.00
313.90 1.7125 2.3362 5484.00
353.00 1.7125 1.8276 1667.00
353.00 1.7125 2.1549 6672.00
353.05 1.7125 1.7233 768.30
353.05 1.7125 1.8391 1831.00
353.05 1.7125 1.908 2564.00
353.05 1.7125 2.024 4642.00
353.10 0.4292 0.4637 490.00
353.10 0.4292 0.5233 914.10
353.10 0.4292 0.6471 2227.00
353.10 0.4292 0.8926 4936.00
353.10 0.4292 0.9073 5091.00
353.10 0.4292 1.0394 7091.00
353.10 0.4292 1.1086 8193.00
354.15 0.4292 0.6472 2256.00
393.00 1.7125 1.1683 267.20
393.00 1.7125 1.9024 4174.00
393.00 1.7125 2.0205 6376.00
393.05 1.7125 1.5977 685.40
393.05 1.7125 1.7148 1463.00
393.05 1.7125 1.7174 1317.00
393.15 0.4272 0.3650 270.20
393.15 0.4272 0.7316 4258.00
393.20 0.4272 0.4304 489.80
393.20 0.4272 0.4714 870.00
393.20 0.4272 0.5016 1272.00
393.20 0.4272 0.6076 2622.00
393.20 0.4272 0.7795 4941.00
393.20 0.4272 1.0437 9237.00
