Mixture of Diethyl carbonate + Aniline


Diethyl carbonate

Diethyl carbonate
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
Cheméo is a service of Céondo GmbH, since 2007, we provide simulation, modelling and software development services for the industry. Do not hesitate to contact us for your projects.


  1. n0 - Refractive index (Na D-line) (2)
  2. ρl - Mass density, kg/m3 (2)
  3. csound,fluid - Speed of Sound, m/s (2)

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Diethyl carbonate (1) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 1.5826
298.15 0.0730 1.5649
298.15 0.1652 1.5435
298.15 0.2537 1.5237
298.15 0.3387 1.5053
298.15 0.4432 1.4835
298.15 0.5468 1.4626
298.15 0.6546 1.4419
298.15 0.7559 1.4235
298.15 0.8840 1.4016
298.15 1.0000 1.3825
303.15 0.0000 1.5793
303.15 0.0730 1.562
303.15 0.1652 1.5408
303.15 0.2537 1.5212
303.15 0.3387 1.5029
303.15 0.4432 1.4813
303.15 0.5468 1.4606
303.15 0.6546 1.4401
303.15 0.7559 1.4216
303.15 0.8840 1.3995
303.15 1.0000 1.3802
308.15 0.0000 1.576
308.15 0.0730 1.559
308.15 0.1652 1.538
308.15 0.2537 1.5187
308.15 0.3387 1.5006
308.15 0.4432 1.4791
308.15 0.5468 1.4586
308.15 0.6546 1.4381
308.15 0.7559 1.4196
308.15 0.8840 1.3974
308.15 1.0000 1.3779
313.15 0.0000 1.5727
313.15 0.0730 1.556
313.15 0.1652 1.5354
313.15 0.2537 1.5162
313.15 0.3387 1.4983
313.15 0.4432 1.477
313.15 0.5468 1.4566
313.15 0.6546 1.4362
313.15 0.7559 1.4176
313.15 0.8840 1.3954
313.15 1.0000 1.3756
318.15 0.0000 1.5694
318.15 0.0730 1.5531
318.15 0.1652 1.5327
318.15 0.2537 1.5137
318.15 0.3387 1.496
318.15 0.4432 1.4749
318.15 0.5468 1.4545
318.15 0.6546 1.4343
318.15 0.7559 1.4156
318.15 0.8840 1.3933
318.15 1.0000 1.3733
323.15 0.0000 1.5661
323.15 0.0730 1.5501
323.15 0.1652 1.5302
323.15 0.2537 1.5113
323.15 0.3387 1.4937
323.15 0.4432 1.4728
323.15 0.5468 1.4525
323.15 0.6546 1.4323
323.15 0.7559 1.4138
323.15 0.8840 1.3913
323.15 1.0000 1.371

Refractive index (Na D-line) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Diethyl carbonate (1) - Liquid Refractive index (Na D-line) - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 1.5826
298.15 0.0730 1.5649
298.15 0.1652 1.5435
298.15 0.2537 1.5237
298.15 0.3387 1.5053
298.15 0.4432 1.4835
298.15 0.5468 1.4626
298.15 0.6546 1.4419
298.15 0.7559 1.4235
298.15 0.8840 1.4016
298.15 1.0000 1.3825
303.15 0.0000 1.5793
303.15 0.0730 1.562
303.15 0.1652 1.5408
303.15 0.2537 1.5212
303.15 0.3387 1.5029
303.15 0.4432 1.4813
303.15 0.5468 1.4606
303.15 0.6546 1.4401
303.15 0.7559 1.4216
303.15 0.8840 1.3995
303.15 1.0000 1.3802
308.15 0.0000 1.576
308.15 0.0730 1.559
308.15 0.1652 1.538
308.15 0.2537 1.5187
308.15 0.3387 1.5006
308.15 0.4432 1.4791
308.15 0.5468 1.4586
308.15 0.6546 1.4381
308.15 0.7559 1.4196
308.15 0.8840 1.3974
308.15 1.0000 1.3779
313.15 0.0000 1.5727
313.15 0.0730 1.556
313.15 0.1652 1.5354
313.15 0.2537 1.5162
313.15 0.3387 1.4983
313.15 0.4432 1.477
313.15 0.5468 1.4566
313.15 0.6546 1.4362
313.15 0.7559 1.4176
313.15 0.8840 1.3954
313.15 1.0000 1.3756
318.15 0.0000 1.5694
318.15 0.0730 1.5531
318.15 0.1652 1.5327
318.15 0.2537 1.5137
318.15 0.3387 1.496
318.15 0.4432 1.4749
318.15 0.5468 1.4545
318.15 0.6546 1.4343
318.15 0.7559 1.4156
318.15 0.8840 1.3933
318.15 1.0000 1.3733
323.15 0.0000 1.5661
323.15 0.0730 1.5501
323.15 0.1652 1.5302
323.15 0.2537 1.5113
323.15 0.3387 1.4937
323.15 0.4432 1.4728
323.15 0.5468 1.4525
323.15 0.6546 1.4323
323.15 0.7559 1.4138
323.15 0.8840 1.3913
323.15 1.0000 1.371

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Diethyl carbonate (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 1017.1
298.15 0.0730 1014.2
298.15 0.1652 1010.2
298.15 0.2537 1006.4
298.15 0.3387 1002.6
298.15 0.4432 998.0
298.15 0.5468 993.0
298.15 0.6546 987.7
298.15 0.7559 982.5
298.15 0.8840 975.9
298.15 1.0000 969.1
303.15 0.0000 1012.7
303.15 0.0730 1009.8
303.15 0.1652 1005.7
303.15 0.2537 1001.8
303.15 0.3387 997.9
303.15 0.4432 993.2
303.15 0.5468 988.1
303.15 0.6546 982.6
303.15 0.7559 977.3
303.15 0.8840 970.5
303.15 1.0000 963.5
308.15 0.0000 1008.4
308.15 0.0730 1005.4
308.15 0.1652 1001.2
308.15 0.2537 997.1
308.15 0.3387 993.2
308.15 0.4432 988.3
308.15 0.5468 983.1
308.15 0.6546 977.5
308.15 0.7559 972.0
308.15 0.8840 965.1
308.15 1.0000 957.8
313.15 0.0000 1004.1
313.15 0.0730 1001.0
313.15 0.1652 996.6
313.15 0.2537 992.5
313.15 0.3387 988.5
313.15 0.4432 983.5
313.15 0.5468 978.1
313.15 0.6546 972.4
313.15 0.7559 966.8
313.15 0.8840 959.8
313.15 1.0000 952.1
318.15 0.0000 999.7
318.15 0.0730 996.5
318.15 0.1652 992.1
318.15 0.2537 987.9
318.15 0.3387 983.7
318.15 0.4432 978.6
318.15 0.5468 973.1
318.15 0.6546 967.2
318.15 0.7559 961.4
318.15 0.8840 954.3
318.15 1.0000 946.4
323.15 0.0000 995.4
323.15 0.0730 992.1
323.15 0.1652 987.6
323.15 0.2537 983.2
323.15 0.3387 979.0
323.15 0.4432 973.7
323.15 0.5468 968.1
323.15 0.6546 962.0
323.15 0.7559 956.1
323.15 0.8840 948.8
323.15 1.0000 940.7

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 100 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Diethyl carbonate (1) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 1017.1
298.15 0.0730 1014.2
298.15 0.1652 1010.2
298.15 0.2537 1006.4
298.15 0.3387 1002.6
298.15 0.4432 998.0
298.15 0.5468 993.0
298.15 0.6546 987.7
298.15 0.7559 982.5
298.15 0.8840 975.9
298.15 1.0000 969.1
303.15 0.0000 1012.7
303.15 0.0730 1009.8
303.15 0.1652 1005.7
303.15 0.2537 1001.8
303.15 0.3387 997.9
303.15 0.4432 993.2
303.15 0.5468 988.1
303.15 0.6546 982.6
303.15 0.7559 977.3
303.15 0.8840 970.5
303.15 1.0000 963.5
308.15 0.0000 1008.4
308.15 0.0730 1005.4
308.15 0.1652 1001.2
308.15 0.2537 997.1
308.15 0.3387 993.2
308.15 0.4432 988.3
308.15 0.5468 983.1
308.15 0.6546 977.5
308.15 0.7559 972.0
308.15 0.8840 965.1
308.15 1.0000 957.8
313.15 0.0000 1004.1
313.15 0.0730 1001.0
313.15 0.1652 996.6
313.15 0.2537 992.5
313.15 0.3387 988.5
313.15 0.4432 983.5
313.15 0.5468 978.1
313.15 0.6546 972.4
313.15 0.7559 966.8
313.15 0.8840 959.8
313.15 1.0000 952.1
318.15 0.0000 999.7
318.15 0.0730 996.5
318.15 0.1652 992.1
318.15 0.2537 987.9
318.15 0.3387 983.7
318.15 0.4432 978.6
318.15 0.5468 973.1
318.15 0.6546 967.2
318.15 0.7559 961.4
318.15 0.8840 954.3
318.15 1.0000 946.4
323.15 0.0000 995.4
323.15 0.0730 992.1
323.15 0.1652 987.6
323.15 0.2537 983.2
323.15 0.3387 979.0
323.15 0.4432 973.7
323.15 0.5468 968.1
323.15 0.6546 962.0
323.15 0.7559 956.1
323.15 0.8840 948.8
323.15 1.0000 940.7

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Diethyl carbonate (1) - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 1636.8
298.15 0.0730 1594.4
298.15 0.1652 1543.3
298.15 0.2537 1497.7
298.15 0.3387 1455.9
298.15 0.4432 1407.9
298.15 0.5468 1361.3
298.15 0.6546 1316.0
298.15 0.7559 1274.2
298.15 0.8840 1222.6
298.15 1.0000 1177.5
303.15 0.0000 1617.5
303.15 0.0730 1575.1
303.15 0.1652 1523.9
303.15 0.2537 1478.3
303.15 0.3387 1436.4
303.15 0.4432 1388.2
303.15 0.5468 1341.5
303.15 0.6546 1296.0
303.15 0.7559 1254.1
303.15 0.8840 1202.3
303.15 1.0000 1156.9
308.15 0.0000 1598.3
308.15 0.0730 1555.8
308.15 0.1652 1504.6
308.15 0.2537 1458.5
308.15 0.3387 1416.8
308.15 0.4432 1368.5
308.15 0.5468 1321.7
308.15 0.6546 1276.0
308.15 0.7559 1234.1
308.15 0.8840 1182.1
308.15 1.0000 1136.6
313.15 0.0000 1579.1
313.15 0.0730 1536.6
313.15 0.1652 1485.3
313.15 0.2537 1439.1
313.15 0.3387 1397.4
313.15 0.4432 1349.0
313.15 0.5468 1302.0
313.15 0.6546 1256.3
313.15 0.7559 1214.2
313.15 0.8840 1162.1
313.15 1.0000 1116.5
318.15 0.0000 1560.0
318.15 0.0730 1517.6
318.15 0.1652 1466.0
318.15 0.2537 1419.8
318.15 0.3387 1378.0
318.15 0.4432 1329.5
318.15 0.5468 1282.5
318.15 0.6546 1236.6
318.15 0.7559 1194.5
318.15 0.8840 1142.2
318.15 1.0000 1096.5
323.15 0.0000 1540.9
323.15 0.0730 1498.2
323.15 0.1652 1446.8
323.15 0.2537 1400.5
323.15 0.3387 1358.7
323.15 0.4432 1310.1
323.15 0.5468 1263.0
323.15 0.6546 1217.1
323.15 0.7559 1174.9
323.15 0.8840 1122.5
323.15 1.0000 1076.7

Speed of sound, m/s [ref]

Operational conditions:

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mole fraction of Diethyl carbonate (1) - Liquid Speed of sound, m/s - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 1636.8
298.15 0.0730 1594.4
298.15 0.1652 1543.3
298.15 0.2537 1497.7
298.15 0.3387 1455.9
298.15 0.4432 1407.9
298.15 0.5468 1361.3
298.15 0.6546 1316.0
298.15 0.7559 1274.2
298.15 0.8840 1222.6
298.15 1.0000 1177.5
303.15 0.0000 1617.5
303.15 0.0730 1575.1
303.15 0.1652 1523.9
303.15 0.2537 1478.3
303.15 0.3387 1436.4
303.15 0.4432 1388.2
303.15 0.5468 1341.5
303.15 0.6546 1296.0
303.15 0.7559 1254.1
303.15 0.8840 1202.3
303.15 1.0000 1156.9
308.15 0.0000 1598.3
308.15 0.0730 1555.8
308.15 0.1652 1504.6
308.15 0.2537 1458.5
308.15 0.3387 1416.8
308.15 0.4432 1368.5
308.15 0.5468 1321.7
308.15 0.6546 1276.0
308.15 0.7559 1234.1
308.15 0.8840 1182.1
308.15 1.0000 1136.6
313.15 0.0000 1579.1
313.15 0.0730 1536.6
313.15 0.1652 1485.3
313.15 0.2537 1439.1
313.15 0.3387 1397.4
313.15 0.4432 1349.0
313.15 0.5468 1302.0
313.15 0.6546 1256.3
313.15 0.7559 1214.2
313.15 0.8840 1162.1
313.15 1.0000 1116.5
318.15 0.0000 1560.0
318.15 0.0730 1517.6
318.15 0.1652 1466.0
318.15 0.2537 1419.8
318.15 0.3387 1378.0
318.15 0.4432 1329.5
318.15 0.5468 1282.5
318.15 0.6546 1236.6
318.15 0.7559 1194.5
318.15 0.8840 1142.2
318.15 1.0000 1096.5
323.15 0.0000 1540.9
323.15 0.0730 1498.2
323.15 0.1652 1446.8
323.15 0.2537 1400.5
323.15 0.3387 1358.7
323.15 0.4432 1310.1
323.15 0.5468 1263.0
323.15 0.6546 1217.1
323.15 0.7559 1174.9
323.15 0.8840 1122.5
323.15 1.0000 1076.7
