Mixture of Butanoic acid, ethyl ester + Nonane


Butanoic acid, ethyl ester

Butanoic acid, ethyl ester
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
Cheméo is a service of Céondo GmbH, since 2007, we provide simulation, modelling and software development services for the industry. Do not hesitate to contact us for your projects.


  1. Mole fraction (2)
  2. ρl - Mass density, kg/m3 (2)
  3. Tboil - Boiling temperature at pressure P, K (2)

Mole fraction of Butanoic acid, ethyl ester (1) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.32 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Butanoic acid, ethyl ester (1) - Liquid Mole fraction of Butanoic acid, ethyl ester (1) - Gas
0.0000 0.0000
0.0140 0.0390
0.0420 0.1120
0.0620 0.1630
0.0800 0.2040
0.0980 0.2440
0.1220 0.2890
0.1440 0.3300
0.1660 0.3640
0.2150 0.4300
0.2310 0.4510
0.2480 0.4700
0.2680 0.4910
0.2890 0.5130
0.3100 0.5390
0.3340 0.5620
0.3560 0.5820
0.3800 0.6050
0.4050 0.6250
0.4360 0.6470
0.4630 0.6650
0.4860 0.6840
0.5160 0.7060
0.5500 0.7240
0.5790 0.7440
0.6090 0.7630
0.6420 0.7800
0.6710 0.7970
0.7110 0.8210
0.7390 0.8410
0.7790 0.8600
0.8120 0.8790
0.8360 0.8960
0.8610 0.9080
0.8870 0.9250
0.9060 0.9380
0.9290 0.9510
0.9460 0.9630
0.9630 0.9740
0.9800 0.9850
0.9920 0.9940
1.0000 1.0000

Mole fraction of Butanoic acid, ethyl ester (1) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.32 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Butanoic acid, ethyl ester (1) - Liquid Mole fraction of Butanoic acid, ethyl ester (1) - Gas
0.0000 0.0000
0.0140 0.0390
0.0420 0.1120
0.0620 0.1630
0.0800 0.2040
0.0980 0.2440
0.1220 0.2890
0.1440 0.3300
0.1660 0.3640
0.2150 0.4300
0.2310 0.4510
0.2480 0.4700
0.2680 0.4910
0.2890 0.5130
0.3100 0.5390
0.3340 0.5620
0.3560 0.5820
0.3800 0.6050
0.4050 0.6250
0.4360 0.6470
0.4630 0.6650
0.4860 0.6840
0.5160 0.7060
0.5500 0.7240
0.5790 0.7440
0.6090 0.7630
0.6420 0.7800
0.6710 0.7970
0.7110 0.8210
0.7390 0.8410
0.7790 0.8600
0.8120 0.8790
0.8360 0.8960
0.8610 0.9080
0.8870 0.9250
0.9060 0.9380
0.9290 0.9510
0.9460 0.9630
0.9630 0.9740
0.9800 0.9850
0.9920 0.9940
1.0000 1.0000

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Butanoic acid, ethyl ester (1) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
0.0000 288.15 721.65
0.0000 298.15 713.85
0.0000 308.15 705.96
0.0000 318.15 698.06
0.0000 328.15 690.17
0.0379 288.15 725.8
0.0435 318.15 702.45
0.0481 328.15 695.05
0.0486 298.15 719.05
0.0505 308.15 711.25
0.0818 308.15 714.63
0.0906 298.15 723.69
0.1007 298.15 724.84
0.1009 318.15 708.56
0.1046 288.15 733.19
0.1134 328.15 701.93
0.1439 318.15 713.46
0.1495 298.15 730.49
0.1502 288.15 738.59
0.1528 308.15 722.65
0.1627 328.15 707.35
0.1872 308.15 726.67
0.2001 318.15 719.85
0.2013 288.15 744.84
0.2102 328.15 712.81
0.2112 308.15 729.53
0.2442 298.15 742.05
0.2489 318.15 725.77
0.2499 288.15 751.04
0.2589 328.15 718.53
0.2818 308.15 738.36
0.2861 318.15 730.43
0.2985 298.15 749.08
0.3047 288.15 758.28
0.3111 328.15 725.0
0.3131 298.15 750.97
0.3302 308.15 744.66
0.3427 288.15 763.5
0.3518 298.15 756.23
0.3550 318.15 739.26
0.3588 328.15 731.17
0.3685 308.15 749.81
0.3961 288.15 771.2
0.4020 318.15 745.62
0.4020 328.15 736.91
0.4260 308.15 757.85
0.4355 288.15 776.9
0.4357 298.15 768.18
0.4556 318.15 753.18
0.4562 328.15 744.36
0.4773 308.15 765.37
0.4957 288.15 786.1
0.4988 318.15 759.53
0.5028 298.15 778.32
0.5187 308.15 771.59
0.5455 288.15 794.1
0.5470 318.15 766.88
0.5511 298.15 785.92
0.5565 328.15 759.06
0.5712 308.15 779.88
0.5857 288.15 800.8
0.5974 298.15 793.57
0.5996 328.15 765.77
0.6011 318.15 775.45
0.6420 308.15 791.55
0.6498 288.15 811.8
0.6524 328.15 774.29
0.6560 318.15 784.53
0.6753 308.15 797.37
0.6951 318.15 791.27
0.7030 298.15 811.93
0.7062 328.15 783.42
0.7067 288.15 822.09
0.7260 308.15 806.38
0.7460 298.15 819.92
0.7520 288.15 830.65
0.7543 318.15 801.83
0.7544 328.15 791.91
0.7822 308.15 816.86
0.7879 298.15 827.92
0.7999 318.15 810.52
0.8019 288.15 840.45
0.8060 328.15 801.44
0.8330 308.15 826.88
0.8433 328.15 808.67
0.8485 318.15 819.97
0.8502 288.15 850.42
0.8532 298.15 841.01
0.8780 308.15 836.1
0.8917 328.15 818.28
0.8947 318.15 829.27
0.9040 288.15 861.91
0.9053 298.15 852.07
0.9384 308.15 848.96
0.9532 328.15 831.23
0.9545 318.15 842.03
0.9569 288.15 873.91
1.0000 288.15 884.01
1.0000 298.15 873.5
1.0000 308.15 862.85
1.0000 318.15 852.26
1.0000 328.15 841.55

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Butanoic acid, ethyl ester (1) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
0.0000 288.15 721.65
0.0000 298.15 713.85
0.0000 308.15 705.96
0.0000 318.15 698.06
0.0000 328.15 690.17
0.0379 288.15 725.8
0.0435 318.15 702.45
0.0481 328.15 695.05
0.0486 298.15 719.05
0.0505 308.15 711.25
0.0818 308.15 714.63
0.0906 298.15 723.69
0.1007 298.15 724.84
0.1009 318.15 708.56
0.1046 288.15 733.19
0.1134 328.15 701.93
0.1439 318.15 713.46
0.1495 298.15 730.49
0.1502 288.15 738.59
0.1528 308.15 722.65
0.1627 328.15 707.35
0.1872 308.15 726.67
0.2001 318.15 719.85
0.2013 288.15 744.84
0.2102 328.15 712.81
0.2112 308.15 729.53
0.2442 298.15 742.05
0.2489 318.15 725.77
0.2499 288.15 751.04
0.2589 328.15 718.53
0.2818 308.15 738.36
0.2861 318.15 730.43
0.2985 298.15 749.08
0.3047 288.15 758.28
0.3111 328.15 725.0
0.3131 298.15 750.97
0.3302 308.15 744.66
0.3427 288.15 763.5
0.3518 298.15 756.23
0.3550 318.15 739.26
0.3588 328.15 731.17
0.3685 308.15 749.81
0.3961 288.15 771.2
0.4020 318.15 745.62
0.4020 328.15 736.91
0.4260 308.15 757.85
0.4355 288.15 776.9
0.4357 298.15 768.18
0.4556 318.15 753.18
0.4562 328.15 744.36
0.4773 308.15 765.37
0.4957 288.15 786.1
0.4988 318.15 759.53
0.5028 298.15 778.32
0.5187 308.15 771.59
0.5455 288.15 794.1
0.5470 318.15 766.88
0.5511 298.15 785.92
0.5565 328.15 759.06
0.5712 308.15 779.88
0.5857 288.15 800.8
0.5974 298.15 793.57
0.5996 328.15 765.77
0.6011 318.15 775.45
0.6420 308.15 791.55
0.6498 288.15 811.8
0.6524 328.15 774.29
0.6560 318.15 784.53
0.6753 308.15 797.37
0.6951 318.15 791.27
0.7030 298.15 811.93
0.7062 328.15 783.42
0.7067 288.15 822.09
0.7260 308.15 806.38
0.7460 298.15 819.92
0.7520 288.15 830.65
0.7543 318.15 801.83
0.7544 328.15 791.91
0.7822 308.15 816.86
0.7879 298.15 827.92
0.7999 318.15 810.52
0.8019 288.15 840.45
0.8060 328.15 801.44
0.8330 308.15 826.88
0.8433 328.15 808.67
0.8485 318.15 819.97
0.8502 288.15 850.42
0.8532 298.15 841.01
0.8780 308.15 836.1
0.8917 328.15 818.28
0.8947 318.15 829.27
0.9040 288.15 861.91
0.9053 298.15 852.07
0.9384 308.15 848.96
0.9532 328.15 831.23
0.9545 318.15 842.03
0.9569 288.15 873.91
1.0000 288.15 884.01
1.0000 298.15 873.5
1.0000 308.15 862.85
1.0000 318.15 852.26
1.0000 328.15 841.55

Boiling temperature at pressure P, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.32 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Butanoic acid, ethyl ester (1) - Liquid Boiling temperature at pressure P, K - Liquid
0.0000 423.90
0.0140 422.86
0.0420 420.81
0.0620 419.42
0.0800 418.32
0.0980 417.15
0.1220 415.85
0.1440 414.64
0.1660 413.58
0.2150 411.47
0.2310 410.77
0.2480 410.15
0.2680 409.47
0.2890 408.66
0.3100 407.83
0.3340 407.06
0.3560 406.31
0.3800 405.49
0.4050 404.76
0.4360 404.04
0.4630 403.32
0.4860 402.62
0.5160 401.92
0.5500 401.28
0.5790 400.59
0.6090 399.95
0.6420 399.36
0.6710 398.89
0.7110 398.13
0.7390 397.59
0.7790 397.05
0.8120 396.55
0.8360 396.20
0.8610 395.90
0.8870 395.59
0.9060 395.33
0.9290 395.08
0.9460 394.89
0.9630 394.70
0.9800 394.53
0.9920 394.41
1.0000 394.31

Boiling temperature at pressure P, K [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.32 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Butanoic acid, ethyl ester (1) - Liquid Boiling temperature at pressure P, K - Liquid
0.0000 423.90
0.0140 422.86
0.0420 420.81
0.0620 419.42
0.0800 418.32
0.0980 417.15
0.1220 415.85
0.1440 414.64
0.1660 413.58
0.2150 411.47
0.2310 410.77
0.2480 410.15
0.2680 409.47
0.2890 408.66
0.3100 407.83
0.3340 407.06
0.3560 406.31
0.3800 405.49
0.4050 404.76
0.4360 404.04
0.4630 403.32
0.4860 402.62
0.5160 401.92
0.5500 401.28
0.5790 400.59
0.6090 399.95
0.6420 399.36
0.6710 398.89
0.7110 398.13
0.7390 397.59
0.7790 397.05
0.8120 396.55
0.8360 396.20
0.8610 395.90
0.8870 395.59
0.9060 395.33
0.9290 395.08
0.9460 394.89
0.9630 394.70
0.9800 394.53
0.9920 394.41
1.0000 394.31
