Property Compounds with Data
ω - Acentric Factor 600
PAff - Proton affinity (kJ/mol) 1449
Tig - Autoignition Temperature (K) 94
AP - Aniline Point (K) 104
BasG - Gas basicity (kJ/mol) 1477
Δcgas - Standard gas enthalpy of combustion (kJ/mol) 86
Δcliquid - Standard liquid enthalpy of combustion (kJ/mol) 1770
Δcsolid - Standard solid enthalpy of combustion (kJ/mol) 1796
Cp,gas - Ideal gas heat capacity (J/mol×K) 72065
Cp,liquid - Liquid phase heat capacity (J/mol×K) 1124
Cp,solid - Solid phase heat capacity (J/mol×K) 816
μ - Dipole Moment (debye) 301
η - Dynamic viscosity (Pa×s) 36264
EA - Electron affinity (eV) 638
EAneutral - Electron affinity of neutral species (eV) 11
σcond - Electrical conductivity (S/m) 19
SProt - Protonation entropy at 298K (J/mol×K) 19
LFL - Lower Flammability Limit (% in Air) 85
UFL - Upper Flammability Limit (% in Air) 77
Tflash,cc - Flash Point (Closed Cup Method) (K) 60
Tflash,oc - Flash Point (Open Cup Method) (K) 77
Δf - Standard Gibbs free energy of formation (kJ/mol) 72084
Rg - Radius of Gyration 79
Δc,grossH - Heat of Combustion, Gross form (kJ/mol) 185
Δc,netH - Heat of Combustion, Net Form (kJ/mol) 185
Δfgas - Enthalpy of formation at standard conditions (kJ/mol) 75680
Δfliquid - Liquid phase enthalpy of formation at standard conditions (kJ/mol) 1543
Δf(+) ion - Enthalpy of formation of positive ion at standard conditions (kJ/mol) 54
ΔfH(+) ion,0K - Enthalpy of formation of positive ion at 0K (kJ/mol) 28
Δfsolid - Solid phase enthalpy of formation at standard conditions (kJ/mol) 1458
Δfus - Enthalpy of fusion at standard conditions (kJ/mol) 72099
ΔfusH - Enthalpy of fusion at a given temperature (kJ/mol) 2378
Δsub - Enthalpy of sublimation at standard conditions (kJ/mol) 1345
ΔsubH - Enthalpy of sublimation at a given temperature (kJ/mol) 1269
Δvap - Enthalpy of vaporization at standard conditions (kJ/mol) 75598
ΔvapH - Enthalpy of vaporization at a given temperature (kJ/mol) 3976
IE - Ionization energy (eV) 5339
ν - Kinematic viscosity (m2/s) 53
log10WS - Log10 of Water solubility in mol/l 99938
logPoct/wat - Octanol/Water partition coefficient 99934
McVol - McGowan's characteristic volume (ml/mol) 87807
MW - Molecular Weight (g/mol) 102331
NFPA Fire - NFPA Fire Rating 324
NFPA Health - NFPA Health Rating 274
NFPA Safety - NFPA Safety Rating 76
Pc - Critical Pressure (kPa) 75301
Psub - Sublimation pressure (kPa) 182
Ptriple - Triple Point Pressure (kPa) 47
Pvap - Vapor pressure (kPa) 755
n0 - Refractive Index 500
ρc - Critical density (kg/m3) 349
ρg - Gas Density (kg/m3) 4
ρl - Liquid Density (kg/m3) 906
ρs - Solid Density (kg/m3) 52
Inp - Non-polar retention indices 76536
I - Polar retention indices 10875
D*i - Self diffusion coefficient (m2/s) 16
ΔfusS - Entropy of fusion at a given temperature (J/mol×K) 856
gas - Molar entropy at standard conditions (J/mol×K) 130
gas,1 bar - Molar entropy at standard conditions (1 bar) (J/mol×K) 59
liquid - Liquid phase molar entropy at standard conditions (J/mol×K) 479
csound,fluid - Speed of sound in fluid (m/s) 173
γ - Surface Tension (N/m) 380
solid,1 bar - Solid phase molar entropy at standard conditions (J/mol×K) 393
ΔsubS - Entropy of sublimation at a given temperature (J/mol×K) 18
ΔvapS - Entropy of vaporization at a given temperature (J/mol×K) 79
Tboil - Normal Boiling Point Temperature (K) 75807
Tboil - Boiling point at given pressure (K) 72
Tboilr - Boiling point at reduced pressure (K) 3147
Tc - Critical Temperature (K) 75300
λ - Gas thermal conductivity (W/m×K) 2
λ - Liquid thermal conductivity (W/m×K) 100
λ - Solid thermal conductivity (W/m×K) 2
αdiff - Thermal diffusivity (m2/s) 10
Tfus - Normal melting (fusion) point (K) 72794
Tfus - Melting point (K) 32
Ttriple - Triple Point Temperature (K) 905
Vc - Critical Volume (m3/kmol) 72023
B2 - 2nd virial coefficient (m3/mol) 3
Vm - Molar Volume (m3/mol) 30
vspec - Specific Volume (m3/kg) 7
Zc - Critical Compressibility 512
Zra - Rackett Parameter 152
Other Indexing Stats
Number of compounds 102331
Number of mixtures 16255
Words in full text index 731284
Words in suggestions 224568
Database version 15
Application build 228