Mixture of Isopropyl Alcohol + Butane


Isopropyl Alcohol

Isopropyl Alcohol
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
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  1. Activity coefficient (2)
  2. Mole fraction (6)
  3. Pvap - Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa (4)
  4. Azeotropic pressure, kPa (2)

Activity coefficient of Butane (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Mole fraction = 0 (Liquid)

Temperature, K - Liquid Activity coefficient of Butane (2) - Liquid
249.97 5.2
270.03 5.1
290.00 5.1
310.00 4.9
330.00 4.6

Activity coefficient of Butane (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Mole fraction = 0 (Liquid)

Temperature, K - Liquid Activity coefficient of Butane (2) - Liquid
249.97 5.2
270.03 5.1
290.00 5.1
310.00 4.9
330.00 4.6

Mole fraction of Butane (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Temperature, K = 364.5 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Butane (2) - Liquid Mole fraction of Butane (2) - Gas
0.0000 0.0000
0.0134 0.2691
0.0301 0.4441
0.0476 0.5496
0.0932 0.6874
0.1396 0.7528
0.1894 0.7927
0.2387 0.8179
0.2899 0.8361
0.3413 0.8497
0.3933 0.8604
0.4449 0.8693
0.4970 0.8770
0.4979 0.8771
0.5464 0.8836
0.5949 0.8898
0.6437 0.8958
0.6934 0.9020
0.7433 0.9087
0.7938 0.9163
0.8451 0.9259
0.8952 0.9390
0.9484 0.9610
0.9687 0.9733
0.9783 0.9804
0.9891 0.9894
1.0000 1.0000

Azeotropic composition: mole fraction of Butane (2) [ref]

Temperature, K - Liquid Azeotropic composition: mole fraction of Butane (2) - Liquid
364.51 0.9950

Henry's Law constant (mole fraction scale), kPa of Butane (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Mole fraction = 0 (Liquid)

Temperature, K - Liquid Henry's Law constant (mole fraction scale), kPa of Butane (2) - Liquid
249.97 202.0
270.03 454.0
290.00 900.0
310.00 1540.0
330.00 2400.0

Mole fraction of Butane (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Temperature, K = 364.5 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Butane (2) - Liquid Mole fraction of Butane (2) - Gas
0.0000 0.0000
0.0134 0.2691
0.0301 0.4441
0.0476 0.5496
0.0932 0.6874
0.1396 0.7528
0.1894 0.7927
0.2387 0.8179
0.2899 0.8361
0.3413 0.8497
0.3933 0.8604
0.4449 0.8693
0.4970 0.8770
0.4979 0.8771
0.5464 0.8836
0.5949 0.8898
0.6437 0.8958
0.6934 0.9020
0.7433 0.9087
0.7938 0.9163
0.8451 0.9259
0.8952 0.9390
0.9484 0.9610
0.9687 0.9733
0.9783 0.9804
0.9891 0.9894
1.0000 1.0000

Azeotropic composition: mole fraction of Butane (2) [ref]

Temperature, K - Liquid Azeotropic composition: mole fraction of Butane (2) - Liquid
364.51 0.9950

Henry's Law constant (mole fraction scale), kPa of Butane (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Mole fraction = 0 (Liquid)

Temperature, K - Liquid Henry's Law constant (mole fraction scale), kPa of Butane (2) - Liquid
249.97 202.0
270.03 454.0
290.00 900.0
310.00 1540.0
330.00 2400.0

Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa [ref]

Operational condition: Temperature, K = 364.5 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Butane (2) - Liquid Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa - Liquid
0.0000 144.10
0.0134 197.40
0.0301 259.50
0.0476 321.20
0.0932 461.00
0.1396 580.30
0.1894 686.10
0.2387 772.80
0.2899 847.50
0.3413 910.10
0.3933 963.80
0.4449 1009.00
0.4970 1049.00
0.4979 1048.90
0.5464 1081.60
0.5949 1111.20
0.6437 1138.30
0.6934 1164.00
0.7433 1188.20
0.7938 1211.30
0.8451 1233.50
0.8952 1254.70
0.9484 1274.30
0.9687 1280.20
0.9783 1282.20
0.9891 1283.50
1.0000 1284.20

Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa [ref]

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Butane (2) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa - Liquid
0.0000 323.19 23.60
0.0310 323.19 81.50
0.0480 323.19 111.20
0.0940 323.19 178.40
0.1460 323.19 238.60
0.1920 323.19 281.60
0.2410 323.19 318.30
0.2930 323.19 348.50
0.3430 323.19 372.30
0.3940 323.18 391.40
0.4450 323.18 407.30
0.4960 323.18 420.30
0.5010 323.17 421.00
0.5500 323.17 431.40
0.6000 323.16 440.60
0.6490 323.16 448.80
0.6990 323.16 456.50
0.7480 323.15 463.70
0.7970 323.15 470.60
0.8470 323.15 477.30
0.8970 323.15 483.70
0.9460 323.14 489.90
0.9670 323.15 492.50
0.9860 323.15 494.70
1.0000 323.15 495.60

Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa [ref]

Operational condition: Temperature, K = 364.5 (Liquid)

Mole fraction of Butane (2) - Liquid Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa - Liquid
0.0000 144.10
0.0134 197.40
0.0301 259.50
0.0476 321.20
0.0932 461.00
0.1396 580.30
0.1894 686.10
0.2387 772.80
0.2899 847.50
0.3413 910.10
0.3933 963.80
0.4449 1009.00
0.4970 1049.00
0.4979 1048.90
0.5464 1081.60
0.5949 1111.20
0.6437 1138.30
0.6934 1164.00
0.7433 1188.20
0.7938 1211.30
0.8451 1233.50
0.8952 1254.70
0.9484 1274.30
0.9687 1280.20
0.9783 1282.20
0.9891 1283.50
1.0000 1284.20

Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa [ref]

Fixed Measured
Mole fraction of Butane (2) - Liquid Temperature, K - Liquid Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa - Liquid
0.0000 323.19 23.60
0.0310 323.19 81.50
0.0480 323.19 111.20
0.0940 323.19 178.40
0.1460 323.19 238.60
0.1920 323.19 281.60
0.2410 323.19 318.30
0.2930 323.19 348.50
0.3430 323.19 372.30
0.3940 323.18 391.40
0.4450 323.18 407.30
0.4960 323.18 420.30
0.5010 323.17 421.00
0.5500 323.17 431.40
0.6000 323.16 440.60
0.6490 323.16 448.80
0.6990 323.16 456.50
0.7480 323.15 463.70
0.7970 323.15 470.60
0.8470 323.15 477.30
0.8970 323.15 483.70
0.9460 323.14 489.90
0.9670 323.15 492.50
0.9860 323.15 494.70
1.0000 323.15 495.60

Azeotropic pressure, kPa [ref]

Temperature, K - Liquid Azeotropic pressure, kPa - Liquid
364.51 1289.71

Azeotropic pressure, kPa [ref]

Temperature, K - Liquid Azeotropic pressure, kPa - Liquid
364.51 1289.71
