Mixture of Butanedioic acid + Urea + Ethanol, 2,2'-oxybis-


Butanedioic acid

Butanedioic acid
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)


InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)

Ethanol, 2,2'-oxybis-

Ethanol, 2,2'-oxybis-
InChI Key
Mol. Weight (g/mol)
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  1. Mass fraction (6)
  2. ρl - Mass density, kg/m3 (2)

Mass fraction of Urea (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.2 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mass fraction of Butanedioic acid (1) - Liquid Mass fraction of Urea (2) - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 0.2315
298.15 0.0046 0.2291
298.15 0.0091 0.2277
298.15 0.0160 0.2234
313.15 0.0000 0.2807
313.15 0.0102 0.2775
313.15 0.0201 0.2730
313.15 0.0344 0.2670
333.15 0.0000 0.3526
333.15 0.0233 0.3474
333.15 0.0485 0.3423
333.15 0.0737 0.3385

Mass fraction of Butanedioic acid (1) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.2 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mass fraction of Urea (2) - Liquid Mass fraction of Butanedioic acid (1) - Liquid
298.15 0.2234 0.0160
298.15 0.1793 0.0214
298.15 0.1416 0.0303
298.15 0.1029 0.0414
298.15 0.0581 0.0602
298.15 0.0300 0.0790
313.15 0.2670 0.0344
313.15 0.2338 0.0394
313.15 0.1927 0.0467
313.15 0.1494 0.0562
313.15 0.1092 0.0671
313.15 0.0701 0.0813
313.15 0.0338 0.0970
333.15 0.3385 0.0737
333.15 0.2972 0.0777
333.15 0.2481 0.0826
333.15 0.1955 0.0894
333.15 0.1419 0.0979
333.15 0.0841 0.1092
333.15 0.0390 0.1211

Mass fraction of Butanedioic acid (1) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.2 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mass fraction of Urea (2) - Liquid Mass fraction of Butanedioic acid (1) - Liquid
298.15 0.0300 0.0790
298.15 0.0200 0.0835
298.15 0.0000 0.0850
313.15 0.0338 0.0970
313.15 0.0175 0.0987
313.15 0.0000 0.1026
333.15 0.0390 0.1211
333.15 0.0210 0.1240
333.15 0.0000 0.1359

Mass fraction of Urea (2) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.2 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mass fraction of Butanedioic acid (1) - Liquid Mass fraction of Urea (2) - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 0.2315
298.15 0.0046 0.2291
298.15 0.0091 0.2277
298.15 0.0160 0.2234
313.15 0.0000 0.2807
313.15 0.0102 0.2775
313.15 0.0201 0.2730
313.15 0.0344 0.2670
333.15 0.0000 0.3526
333.15 0.0233 0.3474
333.15 0.0485 0.3423
333.15 0.0737 0.3385

Mass fraction of Butanedioic acid (1) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.2 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mass fraction of Urea (2) - Liquid Mass fraction of Butanedioic acid (1) - Liquid
298.15 0.2234 0.0160
298.15 0.1793 0.0214
298.15 0.1416 0.0303
298.15 0.1029 0.0414
298.15 0.0581 0.0602
298.15 0.0300 0.0790
313.15 0.2670 0.0344
313.15 0.2338 0.0394
313.15 0.1927 0.0467
313.15 0.1494 0.0562
313.15 0.1092 0.0671
313.15 0.0701 0.0813
313.15 0.0338 0.0970
333.15 0.3385 0.0737
333.15 0.2972 0.0777
333.15 0.2481 0.0826
333.15 0.1955 0.0894
333.15 0.1419 0.0979
333.15 0.0841 0.1092
333.15 0.0390 0.1211

Mass fraction of Butanedioic acid (1) [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.2 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mass fraction of Urea (2) - Liquid Mass fraction of Butanedioic acid (1) - Liquid
298.15 0.0300 0.0790
298.15 0.0200 0.0835
298.15 0.0000 0.0850
313.15 0.0338 0.0970
313.15 0.0175 0.0987
313.15 0.0000 0.1026
333.15 0.0390 0.1211
333.15 0.0210 0.1240
333.15 0.0000 0.1359

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.2 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mass fraction of Butanedioic acid (1) - Liquid Mass fraction of Urea (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 0.2315 1160.9
298.15 0.0046 0.2291 1175.2
298.15 0.0091 0.2277 1181.4
298.15 0.0160 0.2234 1189.8
298.15 0.0214 0.1793 1182.1
298.15 0.0303 0.1416 1174.9
298.15 0.0414 0.1029 1173.2
298.15 0.0602 0.0581 1165.7
298.15 0.0790 0.0300 1162.2
298.15 0.0835 0.0200 1155.6
298.15 0.0850 0.0000 1150.4
313.15 0.0000 0.2807 1174.2
313.15 0.0102 0.2775 1190.0
313.15 0.0201 0.2730 1201.4
313.15 0.0344 0.2670 1217.0
313.15 0.0394 0.2338 1209.5
313.15 0.0467 0.1927 1201.6
313.15 0.0562 0.1494 1194.9
313.15 0.0671 0.1092 1188.1
313.15 0.0813 0.0701 1181.4
313.15 0.0970 0.0338 1176.8
313.15 0.0987 0.0175 1167.5
313.15 0.1026 0.0000 1156.1
333.15 0.0000 0.3526 1184.5
333.15 0.0233 0.3474 1213.5
333.15 0.0485 0.3423 1243.3
333.15 0.0737 0.3385 1278.7
333.15 0.0777 0.2972 1267.1
333.15 0.0826 0.2481 1254.9
333.15 0.0894 0.1955 1241.6
333.15 0.0979 0.1419 1229.5
333.15 0.1092 0.0841 1217.3
333.15 0.1211 0.0390 1210.0
333.15 0.1240 0.0210 1204.5
333.15 0.1359 0.0000 1198.0

Mass density, kg/m3 [ref]

Operational condition: Pressure, kPa = 101.2 (Liquid)

Fixed Measured
Temperature, K - Liquid Mass fraction of Butanedioic acid (1) - Liquid Mass fraction of Urea (2) - Liquid Mass density, kg/m3 - Liquid
298.15 0.0000 0.2315 1160.9
298.15 0.0046 0.2291 1175.2
298.15 0.0091 0.2277 1181.4
298.15 0.0160 0.2234 1189.8
298.15 0.0214 0.1793 1182.1
298.15 0.0303 0.1416 1174.9
298.15 0.0414 0.1029 1173.2
298.15 0.0602 0.0581 1165.7
298.15 0.0790 0.0300 1162.2
298.15 0.0835 0.0200 1155.6
298.15 0.0850 0.0000 1150.4
313.15 0.0000 0.2807 1174.2
313.15 0.0102 0.2775 1190.0
313.15 0.0201 0.2730 1201.4
313.15 0.0344 0.2670 1217.0
313.15 0.0394 0.2338 1209.5
313.15 0.0467 0.1927 1201.6
313.15 0.0562 0.1494 1194.9
313.15 0.0671 0.1092 1188.1
313.15 0.0813 0.0701 1181.4
313.15 0.0970 0.0338 1176.8
313.15 0.0987 0.0175 1167.5
313.15 0.1026 0.0000 1156.1
333.15 0.0000 0.3526 1184.5
333.15 0.0233 0.3474 1213.5
333.15 0.0485 0.3423 1243.3
333.15 0.0737 0.3385 1278.7
333.15 0.0777 0.2972 1267.1
333.15 0.0826 0.2481 1254.9
333.15 0.0894 0.1955 1241.6
333.15 0.0979 0.1419 1229.5
333.15 0.1092 0.0841 1217.3
333.15 0.1211 0.0390 1210.0
333.15 0.1240 0.0210 1204.5
333.15 0.1359 0.0000 1198.0
